February 2020 Gathering

11th February 2020

Women in the Bible: Miriam

“What an amazing space this is!” exclaimed one of our visitors to Kingdom Arts this month. The entire session was remarkable, and the church buzzed with activity and conversations among members of other churches.

Alex warmly welcomed everyone, especially the visitors from the Bridge in Redditch, mentioning that it was also a special day for three of our members. We love to celebrate birthdays!

We commenced by singing praises accompanied by our band of musicians. The theme of women in the bible continued with Miriam (Exodus 2:1-10) and the well-known story of Moses in the Bulrushes, then following her to Exodus 15:20-21 after the Crossing of the Red Sea and Moses’ victory over the Egyptians. There was a reflection, led by Alex with prayer.

After the intricacies of the temple build, this month David had a new and simpler task to construct a basket, with paper, scissors, and glue.

There was an opportunity to create a still life of a group of objects including a basket using pastels or charcoals. Not all the work was based on the objects displayed, but some really interesting results appeared.

A new activity was to make a bulrush using wool and fabric, the results were delicately beautiful.

The creative writing activity inspired several writers who captured aspects of the story of Miriam from different angles. The resulting work was inspiring.

The water flowed
The bitumen and pitch safeguarded the basket
Loving watchful eyes
Saved the child
As God protects us in our ever changing lives
Cradled by moving holy water
And weeps for our lost ones
Never to see light
Uncared unloved souls
Others left in strange receiving homes
But binding us together
Male and Female
Rich and poor
Lost and found
With rich glue fast love.
©Helen McNicoll Kingdom Arts February 2020

This is one of three pieces of creative writing this month. To see the others, click on ‘Creative Writing’ at the end of this report.

Another small group were introduced to the art of calligraphy. This requires much care and precision. The participants were rewarded with some fine results.

As always, there is time and space to sit quietly and knit with prayer. This is a welcome respite from the bustle of busy lives.

Following on from last month’s successful activity with the ribbons, Alex taught a group a dance, such as Miriam may have performed to glorify and praise the Lord. The dancers used claves (sticks to the uninitiated!) in time to the music provided by Sue on the accordion and Trevor on the tambourine.

Click on the link below to see a short video of their efforts.

Claves rehearsal

The work of the morning was displayed, celebrated and admired with some explanations.

The grand finale was to accompany “You shall go out with joy” with singing, clapping and with the special dancing group to praise the Lord in our own way.

Claves performance

Our shared lunch was black bean spicy soup or leek and potato soup. There was cheese, grapes, cakes and a chance to converse with our visitors and each other.

We would be delighted to welcome you on the second Tuesday of March with tea and coffee at 9:30
Tuesday March 10th : Mary Magdalene

If you just wish to look through all the photographs, you can see the Gallery

For this month’s words, see Creative Writing